A relative of mine brought this laptop for repair. He explained the loud cooling fan noise when he powers on the laptop. It was so annoying and he was worried that the fan was not doing its job to cool off the laptop.

laptop repair

Usually a noisy laptop cooling fan is caused by dirt and moisture mixed inside the device.

When these two elements are combined, the fan is not spinning freely to cool down the laptop. It was time to dismantle the device and get it fixed.

laptop fan repair

As I get to the main board of the laptop, I immediately spotted the dirt inside the machine. When I rotated the fan with my hand, it was not rotating freely so I had to take it apart and clean it, lubricate it and while at it, check the thermal paste at the main CPU of the laptop.

laptop fan repair problem

I got out my soft brush that I bought from a store that sells makeup for women. It is so soft yet very inefficient in brushing out all the nasty stuff in there.

For areas that I cannot reach with my soft brush, I used an air blower to get rid of the dirt in there.

dirt in laptop fan

I had to clean also the vent that is connected to the fan as well because it was really bad.

laptop fan service

After I cleaned the fan, sprayed it with lubrication contact spray, the fan was once again rotating freely without any noise. The main test for the fan is when the laptop is on so I will have to test it later after I have replaced the thermal paste on the main CPU chip.

laptop board problem

As expected, the thermal paste was dry and needed a new fresh paste there. Of course I cleaned it up with a Q tip dipped in cleaning alcohol and then added the new fresh thermal paste.

I also cleaned the heat sink that sits on the top of the CPU and then I put everything back together and hoped for the best.

how to repair hp laptop

I turned it on the fan was running smoothly then the whole laptop started to vibrate which made me wonder what was going on. Later on I recalled that I did not put the screw back that holds the main board to the housed of the laptop.

I had to open it once again and put the screw back the way it was before and tried the laptop again. This time, everything was running smoothly, no fan noise and no vibrations.

Mission Accomplished. 


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.


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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:




Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

15 comments on “A Laptop Comes On With A Loud Cooling Fan Repaired. Model HP Pavilion G7

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Laga: thank you and have a blessed day

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    As always another repair done in the best and only good way possible! And in case the Fan still wasn’t working replacement will be necessary.

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: yes, but so far no complaint from the customer..have a blessed day

  2. Gustavo Contreras says:

    Well done! Thanks for share

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Custavo: you are most welcome. have a blessed day

  3. Yogesh Panchal says:

    Good Fix! Waleed

  4. Parasuraman S says:

    Saw this and read it only today, as it had gone to junk. Good job there! Good that the customer could continue to use it with minimum maintenance carried out!

  5. Joseph says:

    Dear Jestine, thank you. I have been following almost for ten years. It has been helping me a lot.
    I am from Ethiopia. Am lucky to have such a wonderful friend.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Joseph,

      You are welcome.


  6. AJU ABARI says:


  7. George Suggs says:

    Very appropriate fix…I had the same problem and after several minutes of moving the unit around, it finally re-balanced and stopped making the sound on it’s own! Your solution is the right way to solve the problem! Thanks! George

  8. Elmar says:

    So I would even clean with spray solvent to get rid of the dust and grime

  9. Kageni says:

    Hi Jestine . great work. I have been on this forum for I don’t know how long from the time when yahoo was the main email provider. Am an electronics repair man . How best can I send my repair articles. Thank you.

    1. admin says:

      Hi Kageni,

      I have sent an email to you. Kindly check.



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