philips lcd tv standby mode

This Philips LCD TV came in with the complaint of no display but the power LED light was green color and not red. If the power LED is green color then fault can be easy to diagnose. If the power LED is red color then possible the problem in power supply or the mainboard or even both. If the firmware is corrupted, the power LED also can be red color.

Okay, the cover was removed and I saw the power and the mainboard-see the photo below:

philips lcd tv greenlight

From visual inspection I saw a bunch of bulged e-caps at the secondary side of the power supply. These caps function is to filter off the ripple and to store current. The problem with bulged e-caps were the capacitance reduced until very low thus defeat the function of the caps.

how to repair philips lcd tv

Not only the bulged e-caps can be found in the power supply board, I saw another bulged e-cap in the mainboard as well-see the photo below:

how to fix philips lcd tv

In total I have replaced 9 e-caps-see the two photos below:

how to fix and repair lcd tv

capacitor problem

After putting in all the new e-caps and powered On, I saw that the display have vertical lines and this suggest that the LCD panel could be the problem. This is secondary problem. I never knew that this TV would have this secondary problem until I fixed the original cause first. My guess was the TV already have the vertical lines problem before it brokedown.

I have seen this kind of secondary problem not only in TV  but in other electronics equipment also. You need to explain this kind of situation to your customer otherwise they may accuse you of creating the additional fault.

philips lcd tv vertical lines

Okay, that’s all for now and if you want to be good in LCD/LED TV repair, I suggest that you check on Kent’s website here.

This article was prepared for you by Suranga Bandara who owns an Electronics repair shop in Anuradapura, Sri Lanka.

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Note: You may check out previous post about fixing active speaker in the below link:


Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is You can check out his repair blog at

12 comments on “No Display In Philips LCD TV Repaired

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    The Customer in this case maybe had hit on the TV a couple of times in anger because of the capacitor startup failures? We never will know? (That is probably what I would do if I wouldn’t know better). It certainly would explain the vertical lines that are caused by the contactstrips letting loose from the screen connections. I’ve seen this on laptop screens too, and sometimes it helped to attach some rubber pieces on those bad contact spots to keep the electric signals going by putting on some pressure between case and panel. As we know soldering of those strips is normally not possible.

  2. Parasuraman says:

    Excellent and time consuming service!

  3. Andrew F. Ali says:

    Hi Suranga,
    Sometimes cleaning with ISA and re-seating the T-CON Bd flat cables to the panel and also the snap-connector, helps. Great job, though.

  4. Adjarho, P T says:

    Good servicing…but heating the main board to remove the bad capacitor may result the vertical lines on the scream.

    1. Adjarho, P T says:

      Good…disordering the bulged e-cap from the mainboard may result the vertical lines in the display

  5. thoma says:

    Hi, I have a Panansonic viera TX-32LZD80., it keep red blinking 13 times without turning on any help

  6. Murali says:

    Sir 47lv3730-td lg lcd tv red light ok smps edge led light volt low36volt no tv on pls help sir

  7. michel says:

    I had a problem with tv samsung model hl56a650c1f was a tv operator then i entered on the key and pressed the key and then got that tv separated and worked i do not know how to solve this holidays and thank you michel

  8. teraoi says:

    how to solve lcd tv screen no picture but get blue light after pressing power button

    1. Abba tikur says:

      Samsung lcd tv screen turns on but no display of picture or directions.

  9. josphat somanje says:

    this philips lcd tv defect of no display stands to help also my elctronics repair knowledge of NOT RUSHING into saying the problem before really you open then check with eyes and see what the problem might be Thank you very much for opening up sir

  10. webster chembe says:

    I have a Philips LED TV model 32pfl3403/98 it goes off when I plug in any graphics line eg AV or HDMI what could be the problem I have checked all capacitors there are normal

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