A customer who works in the olive wood carvings brought this speaker for repair. The main issue was it does not charge. By the look of it, I saw a lot of wood dust on it which indicated the line of work that he is in.

blu tooth speaker repair

As you can see it is really nasty and dusty and if you noticed too that one of its button plastic was missing which was the mode switch.

blu tooth speaker repairing

I plugged in the charging cable into the machine and the charging LED light was not on indicating a bad charging port or just dirty because of the wood dust that was covering the machine.

blu tooth speaker repairing and fix

The moment I touched the charging cable with my fingers, the LED light came on and it was charging which a sign of dirty or may be cold soldering pins.

To find out the truth about this problem it was time to take it apart.

blu tooth speaker fix and repair

A few screws off and the top of the machine came out exposing the inside of the machine which was also full of wood dust and it had to be cleaned as well.

fixing blu tooth speaker

As I flipped the board to the other side more wood dust was seen so I cleaned it as well with a fine brush.

electronics repair blue tooth

Finally I got to the main piece that needed my attention and of course before I do anything, I had to clean the charging port with a fine brush and an air blower to clean it before I spray some cleaning liquid there.

Now that I can see inside the charging port and check out the pins, they needed a touch of solder because they were kind of loose.

how to fix blue  tooth speaker

As I put the machine together and charged up the machine, it was charging fine. I could now connect the machine to my Iphone and test it out. It connected well and it had a nice sound to it. The name of the machine connection is MA-107.

Of course I spread all the buttons on this machine with a contact spray but before that, it was cleaned with a fine brush. The result was just great.

Of course it is going to be dirty and dusty again as soon as the customers use it in his work shop but nothing I can do about that.

Mission Accomplished.


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

P.S- Do you know of any your friends who would benefit from this content that you are reading now? If so, forward this website to your friends or you can invite your friends to subscribe to my newsletter for free in this Link.

Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below: https://www.electronicsrepairfaq.com/a-led-light-repair-and-modification



Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

13 comments on “A Dead Blu Tooth Speaker Was Brought Back To Life

  1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

    Glad to see that you were able to fix the music machine of the olive wood carving customer. So he will be able to enjoy music while at work! Maybe in the future we also can spray a dust and bacteria preventing coating on any object because they recently already found a solution that also can help to prevent the spreading of virus infections on surfaces in hospitals etc. Click here
    This coating pushes of any bacteria and even any virus from its surface. Which is fantastic in these days of the China coronavirus outbreak!

    1. Devon Wilson says:

      You are absolutely correct.

  2. Yogesh Panchal says:

    Good Fix! Waleed.

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Yogesh: thanks and have a blessed day

  3. Vince says:

    Sir you are an inspiration to myself as an uneducated electrician wanting to learn electronics as a hobby . The rest of my professional life is Consumed with furniture building/ shop fitting and cabinet making. like your repair I too have a huge dusty problem .the appliances need ventilation to keep cool but also need to be protected from the wood dust . I use two rcf 500a speakers and two yamaha msr400 speakers plus a yamaha emx2200 . Mixer . It’s overkill but we use very loud machines .have you ever needed to protect electrical devices from dusty environments before ? Keep up the great work and impeccable attention to detailed explenations so even I can grasp what you do . Bless
    Vince .

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Vince: the only way to protect the machine from dust is to put them in a free dust environment because no matter what we try, some dust will get in there and do some damage. have a blessed day

    2. Albert van Bemmelen says:

      Hi Vince, no matter what.. first do protect your ears and longs! Machines can be replaced!

  4. Parasuraman S says:

    Saw the article only today, as Jestine Yong’s mail went to Junk. I really appreciate the trouble you are taking in restoring such devices, irrespective of its look, condition and collection of maximum dust possible for it to store! Well done!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Parasuraman: Yes I know the feelings because a lot of times some stuff that comes from Jestine Yong’s mail goes to my junk mail for some reason. any way, good to hear from you my friend, i hope all is well with you. I appreciate your input. have a blessed day

  5. Joe Jesson says:

    I have a large Philips sound bar speaker that seems to be a nightmare just to take it apart….need to be a magician to get into this bar for repair. No power so I should order a remote control to help test it. Any ideas?

  6. sujoy bhattacherjee says:

    thank you for your valuable artical. pl give a apple ipad charger repairing guide.sujoy bhattacherjee

  7. Arun Sai says:

    I own a JBL on beat rumble which is not working.1.blue tooth mode does not get connected.blue tooth light glows but not detected by set.2.Aux light glows but no sound when audio source connected.3.Same as above I phone dock does work light glows.Any idea of repairing???. Arun

  8. George says:

    Hi I need 3.3v regulator ic but I can’t find one what can I do

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