Fog Machine With Broken Socket and Loose Wires Repaired
A guy brought me a fog machine that is working fine but with it has a remote control board that connects to the fog machine; the socket on that board was broken and needed some attention.
It has four wires to be reconnected to his socket but the question was which color goes to where?
It has five pins but only four wires and they were red, green yellow and blue. Checking on line for the right color pin out but there was no information whatsoever.
The only way was to make an educated guess and see how it works out.
The first clue was in the socket itself. Before I pull all the wires out, I saw that the yellow wire goes to this location of the socket and that was my first information to repairing the remote control board on this fog machine.
With that in mind I decided to look for the ground which is usually green. I traced it all the way back to inside the fog machine and I was right. Green was ground.
I soldered the green and the yellow wire back on the socket and started on figuring out the other colors.
The only wires left to figure out were the red and the blue. I connected the socket to the fog machine and powered the device but I got voltage reading on both missing pins. I was getting 5 voltages on one pin and 12 on the other. The customer informed me how the machine works which when powering on the machine, the red light should come on and the heater will kick in. In ten minute time, the blower will blow out the smoke.
Based on this information, I traced the socket inside the board till I got to the red light on board, which gave me indication that this was the stand by and it should get the 5 volts rail.
I connected that blue wire to the stand by light trace and the red to what was left on that socket. I powered on the machine, the red light came on and in ten minutes time, the red Light went out and the green light came on and suddenly, the machine kicked out a white smoke indicating all was well.
It was common sense and some guessing involved in the repair of this remote control board on a fog machine. The result was just fine.
Mission Accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:
Great deduction on fixing the broken 5 wire socket plug! I had once a similar problem when my boss asked me to wire up a couple of unknown video camera’s he had of which he had no information. It was also done by starting to examine the Vcc and ground connections first to prevent blowing up any parts on the camera boards.
Albert: thanks man. vcc and ground is the best way to start otherwise you will end up in trouble.
Well done! That was an ingenuous trouble shooting done by you! You have also shown a way out instead of the usual coming to a dead end situation in electronic servicing. The line of thoughts you had, is not common among technicians who want to make quick bucks! Many thanks for sharing! Just from one visual tip, how you could deduce the other wires, is really amazing! People like you are the real spirit boosters in technicians like us!
Kindly read the word as ‘ingenious’. It is an auto mode correction mistake!
Parasuraman: no worries man
Parasuraman: thanks man. I found ground and VCC lines, then I end up with two wires. solder them in place and test the machine, if did not work, revers them and test the machine out. have a blessed day
Great job! Congrats.,.