Welding machine comes on but does not weld. Model: ARC-200

This guy walked into my shop and told me that one of my customers recommended me for a welding machine repair. I was so happy to hear that but at the same time put some pressure on me to get this machine fixed.

welding machine repair

This is a classy Turkish made that has a digital amp display on board. As you can see it comes on but I tried to weld with it, it was not working.

When I tested for voltages on the negative and positive terminals of the machine, there was none.

arc200 welding machine repair

I always check the power plug that the machine comes in with. And as you can see, it is damaged and it has to be replaced. I added a temporary one so I can test for voltages on this machine.

how to repair welding machine

Voltages were fine on this machine. Usually when voltages are present but missing in the positive and negative terminals of the machine, I go directly to the main and secondary logic boards and that is not easy to fix.

how to fix welding machine

The stand up board is the main logic board and the one sitting flat is the secondary logic board. Both of these boards supply voltages to the output of the machine in order to weld.

While checking for bad parts, I found one faulty part. It was a Mosfet IRF9Z24N. It was shorted on all its pins.

how to fix and repair welding machine

It has a high amp rate and I have to come up with the same part of a replacement and either way, it was not easy to find. I found the original part on Aliexpress for cheap but it would take up to 25 day to get here.

As I was looking around, I found a replacement part which was IRF9530 and I found it in a local electronic store.

service welding machine

This Mosfet was connected between the main and secondary logic boards which considered a very import part of the circuit. In other words; if I replace the shorted part with a new part then it got shorted again, then we have a serious problem in moth logic boards.

repairing arc200 welding machine

I replaced the shorted part with a new part and powered up the machine. As you can see in the photo, I got voltages and the machine is up and running.

Mission accomplished.


This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.

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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:



Jestine Yong works as an Electronics Repair Lecturer in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and his training website is http://www.NoahtechElectronicsTraining.com. You can check out his repair blog at http://www.JestineYong.com

12 comments on “Shorted Mosfet IRF9Z24N

  1. Nandu M says:

    Sir please suggest a way to correct a sine wave inverter board complaint

  2. albert van bemmelen says:

    You still are the king of fixing those Welder machines Walleed! Why I think you also should own a Spot welder in your shop too for welding those Li-ion battery packs! (I do not have any shop or any income but did buy such a Welder for safety reasons).

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Albert: thanks man. I am thinking about buying spot welder when I go to the states the end of this month.

      1. Albert van Bemmelen says:

        The last time I went on holiday was in 1986 to the UK (London / with my youngest brother and sister and my parents). I rather buy equipment instead. With traveling a lot of energy gets lost on packing and unpacking, wasting time and money on bad hotels and useless trips. And when we come home we have to pick up where we left off again while our bills kept piling up. Generating a lot of stress in my humble opinion. By-the-way: One of my 3 cell battery packs with bad charger board from China exploded at my friends house almost causing a fire! It was caused by a half assembled pcb charger board that other sellers also sold with all smd components soldered onboard. I had asked the seller why only half of his board had parts soldered in but I got no real answer other than that their board was 100% okay. Hence which explained why 2 cells in the pack had exploded after a day or two of charging! I therefore recently opened a dispute to warn Aliexpress for the dangerous products from this seller that caused exploding lithium ion cells and easily could have caused a big house fire too!
        Another identical 3 cell battery pack with a complete assembled charger board from other sellers gave no problem and it still works safely! So be warned for incomplete charger boards and for badly soldered loose components! (both came from this seller!). I made photos of the incomplete boards as proof before I used them in my battery pack too.

        1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

          thanks for your input on this issue. have a great day

  3. Parasuraman S says:


    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Parasuraman: indeed. thanks

  4. Parasuraman S says:

    Well done! You are a real Master in troubleshooting!

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Parasuraman: thanks. I work hard. lol

  5. Andre Gopee says:

    Great Job Waleed. I have a lot of Welding machine to repair myself. Can you come a give me a hand? Just Kidding… Great Job though.

    1. Waleed Rishmawi says:

      Andre: thanks man. I can give you a hand, if you send me a ticket to get to you..lol

  6. Tito Kanshulu says:

    Goode job Waleed and it’s quite interesting to a reader of my kind

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